Why is Massage Therapy So Expensive?

(update 9/9/13: Reactions I’m getting on Facebook and in the comments here suggest that I haven’t been clear.
The image is making fun of my past self and other idealistic therapists who aren’t good with money. I do not suggest people should charge $25! I had hoped my post would explain why I think that in some areas where the cost of living is high, and office space is at a premium, even $100 would not suffice to cover the cost and a living wage.
Of course the price of a service depends on value for the customer, so I tried to explain this post is not about top-notch manual therapy, it’s about an “average” relaxation massage.
And last… I do value massage therapy highly, and I know of the benefits. I will not edit the post itself, since that would make a lot of the comments look strange, but I think I should have been MUCH clearer.
Please accept my apologies.)                       Continue reading

Affordable Yoga Classes in Orlando

               (class descriptions by Candice Mitchell)

Don’t let this picture fool you! Nobody wants you to tie yourself into a pretzel (unless you’re a hopeless show-off like me, of course… then we have options for you).

And no, yoga doesn’t have to be expensive–community centers make it possible.

I’m doing nothing but yoga to stay fit. But this is not your run-of-the mill yoga class! I think it’s working so well for me because we’re always addressing different muscle groups with targeted strength and stretch exercises.

Right here in downtown Orlando, at the beautiful Marks Street Recreation Center, we have a great location, and a wonderfully talented, compassionate teacher in Candice Mitchell.
You just walk in, drop your ten dollar bill on the table, and you’re good to go. If it’s the first time, please come in a little early to fill out a release form.

Evenings: Mondays and Thursdays 5:45-7pm
Mornings: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9:15-10:30am.

One of the best decisions in my life was to block my schedule for the morning classes at Marks Street, three times per week.
Today I’m more strong and flexible than when I was 18!

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